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By PYHA Board of Directors, 01/04/12, 12:00PM CST


December 9-11, PYHA hosted a Chicks with Sticks Tournament with two divisions; our first time having two divisions!  We hosted 12UA and 10UB - a total of 14 teams. 

We recently received a very nice verbal message that was passed on by the Princeton 10UB Manager.  A parent from Coon Rapids 10UB stated something to the affect of; ‘EVERY person they came across was so helpful and extremely friendly. She proceeded to say how well run it was from beginning to end. The entire Coon Rapids 10UB team was impressed with our small town and told me how the people here were amazingly friendly. The hotel staff, grocery store, liquor store and everywhere else they went.’  Our 12UA Manager received the following message from the Rogers 12UA coach, “Very nice tournament!  Tell Larkin nice job both times I heard her sing the National Anthem.   Takes some courage.......”

Kudos to the Princeton Youth Hockey Association!  A very special thanks to the many volunteers who made the tournament such a great success, especially those who came to volunteer an hour or two and stayed 10 or 12 to fill in all of the empty spots!  (Side note, because the Association has been without a Volunteer Coordinator for over two months, DIBS still needs to be completely updated.  Thank you for your patience.)

Our next tournament is this weekend - the Bryan Opskar Tournament.  We will be hosting 8 - PeeWee B teams and 6 - Squirt C teams.   There are still many volunteer spots available, so if you have time, please sign up to help! 

Our 2nd Annual Mite Jamboree will be the last weekend of January (27-29).

We have been asked to host two D10 playoff tournaments, which is an honor; not all Associations are asked to host D10 playoff tournaments, let alone two!  This will be in February - more details to follow.